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Class Information


As a co-taught special education teacher, my job is to assist the children in the classroom with special needs and to provide them with the core plus more.   This includes both academic and behavioral needs. I work to meet the goals and objectives as well as specially designed instruction listed in their IEP's.  I also provide assistance to all of the children within the classroom as needed.  I work with children in small groups and one-on-one, and I also have the opportunity to teach various lessons throughout the day.  

The general education teacher is Mrs. Jamie Lastauskas.   

Our classroom assistant is Ann Galantini.   

Our School Day is from 8:15 (students enter the building) to 3:15 (dismissal).  

Throughout the day, we work on a variety of activities.  Here is a sample of our busy and

fun schedule:


- Calendar

- Snack and Bathroom

- Fundations Reading Series

-Movement Break

- Wonders Reading Series



-Math in the Everyday Math Series

-Specials (Gym, STEM, computers, Art, and Music) 

- IE (During this time, students work on the individual levels to meet their needs)

-Snack and Bathroom

- Story and Poem

- Activity 

- Dismissal 

News Letter-

Students will receive a weekly newsletters highlighting important dates and events. 

Folders and Homework-    

Students bring home their folder nightly.  Please empty the side which is labeled keep at home.  Please review the side which is labeled return to school.  This side will contain homework which will be labeled with an "H".  Please assist your child in completing the homework and return it to school the next day.  It may also contain forms which need to be completed and returned or signed.  

Thursday Folder

On Thursdays, the children will bring home their Thursday folders which will contain important school wide or elementary school notices.  Again, please review their information and complete and return it as needed.   

Behavior Plan-

Our classroom follows the school wide positive behavior support plan- PRIDE.  Children are rewarded with 1 dollar (white), 2 dollar(purple), or 5 dollar (blue) cougar dollars.  They can save their cougar dollars to spend at the cougar store every Friday.  They are also rewarded with fun monthly blowouts.  

Students begin their day with their clips on green.  If students display extra very positive behaviors or make exceptional choices, they can be moved to purple.  For extremely  extra special choices and behavior, they will be moved to blue.  They will receive a positive reward letter home.  They will also get their name placed on a blue star which will be displayedAfter a warning for non-desired behaviors, students will first be moved to yellow.  If the behaviors continue, they will be moved to orange.  They will also have to complete a "stop and think from"  The students will discuss with the teacher their behavior, and how they can replace this behavior with more positive choices.  The form will be sent home.  It must be signed and returned by parents.  If the behavior continues, students will be moved to red.  A red letter will be sent home which parents must sign and return.  Finally, if the behavior continues, the students will be moved to white and will have to see the principal, a consequence may follow.   Students' clips can move fluidly throughout the day.    

  Free and Reduced Lunch and Breakfast-

 Students can receive free breakfast and lunch with the necessary paperwork.  You can request a copy of the paperwork, and you can complete and return it to the school for approval.  

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